Al alimón cantinero
In the presentation of Al alimón cantinero included in the catalogue, Antonio Calera-Grobet mentions that for Emiliano Gironella Parra and Demián Flores Cortés, the idea of undertaking a project together arose from a collaborative engraving they made years ago of an idyllic scene in a Mexican cantina. The series presented in Al alimón cantinero is the result of several work sessions, during which the authors assimilated “the rhythm of someone else’s doll”, allowing themselves to be “accompanied by another form of composition, another way of understanding plastic work”. The joint work meant “a process of assimilation of playful and productive otherness, a way of filtering into an unknown habitat to achieve a third party… There was no other intention here other than the recording of what was experienced, to provoke a game of harmony.” And perhaps there —proposes Calera-Grobet— lies its merit: in its relaxed and parallel horizontal intentions, traveling in the opposite direction of the solemnized world”.
Phrases by well-known poets, narrators and essayists, or fragments of popular songs accompany the printed works in the first part of the exhibition catalogue. The second part is made up of the section “Drinks in verse, prose and lines”, an anthology of literary texts dedicated to the cantina compiled and selected by Miguel Flores Ramírez, including “Líneas y desfiguros” by Emiliano and Demián.
Alimón cantinero, an exhibition sponsored by the Casa José Cuervo in support of young Mexican art, was exhibited at the Arcos Itatti Gallery, Mexico City, in 2004. The exhibition consisted of around 50 works co-authored by Emiliano Gironella Parra and Demián Flores Cortés (monotypes, woodcuts, serigraphs, encaustics, oils on canvas, a drypoint drawing), and four by Emiliano (two steel sheets and two labels with serigraphy).